One Teen's Guide To Overcoming Anxiety

Conquering Fear Medal

"As a father of three teens, I know that kids today have a lot on their plates. Just like in business, if they want to set themselves up for success in life, they need to work hard, stay focused, and believe in themselves. Conquering Fear is an excellent resource to help teens and young adults address anxiety, build confidence, and live their best lives."

- Mark Cuban

Carter Weinstein

About the Book

Never has the need for young people to address anxiety been more topical than today. Coming off a historic pandemic, the importance of mindfulness and the pursuit of good mental health is in full view. Thanks to celebrities such as Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, Prince Harry, Oprah and even pro sports teams, we all realize that we need to take this issue seriously.

Carter wrote Conquering Fear: One Teen’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety while a senior in high school to provide a first-hand perspective of hope to fellow teens and young adults with acute anxiety—the challenge Carter has faced his whole life. In this short, helpful guide, Carter shares the candid ups and downs of his personal journey, how he got the help he needed, and 6 pivotal tips that have helped him manage his symptoms and achieve his goals. Living with anxiety is not an easy road. But through Conquering Fear, Carter wants other young people to know that with hard work and support, it is possible to lead your best life.

Conquering Fear is not only for teens and young adults, but is also a significant resource for parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, school/camp counselors, and anyone who cares for children and teens.

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Carter Weinstein

About the Author

About the Author

Carter Weinstein is currently a freshman at Georgetown University where he is studying business. Carter is an avid soccer player and sports fanatic who loves working out and spending time with family, friends, and Fortnite™ foes. Carter was active in high school leadership and community volunteer roles in his hometown of Dallas. A summer intern for Shark Tank, Carter is an analyst with Georgetown Student Capital Partners and a marketing analyst with Georgetown Disruptive Tech.

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